
Monday, May 6, 2013

A Busy (And Expensive) Monday

I drove to the Tractor Supply Company in Potsdam to buy a stock tank, but first I had to stop and admire the baby chicks they had for sale:

The stock tank I'd had in mind turned out to be too big (I already had a big one), so I opted for a smaller model. And it was cheap enough that I bought two of them:

I stopped at Walmart to get bags of compost for planting fruit trees. I was impressed that they had a collection of canoes out front. This part of the country is rife with rivers, streams, bogs, lakes and waterways of every description. I found it fitting that even the local Walmart would have canoes on display:

Potsdam was a busy city, with lots of traffic, freight trains and people. The man with the sign was advertising a furniture sale up the road:

And then I drove to the Kubota Tractor dealer and arranged to purchase this beauty:

And on the way home, I stopped at Potsdam's infamous "Toilet House." They'd replaced some of the toilets with a couple of bathtubs and scarecrow type figures, but it was still an eye catcher:

Here's a close up. It seemed odd that a nice town with so many fine homes would have such a silly display. But then I remembered the several universities in town and figured that might explain a lot. Well, it's all good, clean fun - especially now that there are bathtubs in the mix:

I arrived home and let the dogs out into the sun. They were very happy:

I'd also been to a local tree nursery and picked up my order (nursery tour posts are coming up soon). I began by digging a big hole and admiring the quality of soil here:

I got out my four young trees and unpackaged them:

I added compost, planted, staked and watered them. I purchased super cold hardy plums (two varieties required for cross-pollination), an apricot and a bush cherry:


  1. Hey Bill, its Gerald(your old tenant.) My wife and I happened upon your blog and I must say its impressive, you have some nice pics of the house. I always said that location was beautiful. On a side note, believe it or not the "infamous toilet house" is the result of an angry local business man. He had a deal lined up for a very profitable sale on that property. However the deal fell through because the lot is zoned residential, and the prospective buyer needed it to be commercial. Of course the town would not approve the change hence angry land owner fills his yard with toilets to "get even" That is the long and short of it haha.

    1. Good to hear from you, Gerald, and to learn the real story of the "toilet house."


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