
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Brief Stop At The Boreas River - Part 2

We'd stopped at the Boreas River atop Blue Ridge Road, the dogs and I, for a rest, leg stretching and pee break. We'd walked down to the river's edge and lingered there, enjoying the quietude of nature:

Wally was unusually energetic and happy for a nearly blind old timer. In fact, I began to wonder if his eyesight was improving as he was positively puppyish:

But of course this was just a rest stop and we had many more miles to travel. So I called the dogs back to the car:

Who, me? Back to the car? Aw, Dad!:

But back to the car we went, the dogs making a game of that also:

There was a bit of dawdling:

And a return to the picnic area to see if any bacon drippings had been added to the fire pit since they'd last checked ten minutes ago:

Wally continued frolicking like a puppy. I had no idea where such youthful energy came from, but it was a blessing to see him have so much fun:

I got all the dogs back into the car except for Winky. I went back down to the river to encourage him back up the hill but couldn't find him. I called and ran around searching, but no Winky could be found. I crashed through the forest until I finally found him, confused and unhurried. I began urging him back up the hill toward the car:

This was the second time Winky had wandered off and the potential for disaster due to his apparent age related dementia is increasing. I've since affixed a bell to his collar and put him on a leash when I think there's a potential for him wandering off. But on this day, I got him headed toward the car and continued urging him forward:

Once all the dogs were loaded back up into the car, we continued on our way:

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