
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Brief Stop At The Boreas River - Part 1

On Tuesday morning I loaded the dogs back into the car and headed south toward Albany. We drove all the  way to the Boreas River atop Blue Ridge Road in North Hudson before stopping. By that time the dogs were anxious to get out of the car:

They ran around the picnic area first, always hoping for food scraps or interesting smells. Finding nothing of interest, they followed me down the hill toward the Boreas River:

There had been folks camping here, so we had a repeat of the hopeful sniffing and exploring:

The shoreline here is rocky and difficult, a lesson Seamus had learned the last time we stopped. So all the dogs stayed on dry land:

I walked down to the rocks to photograph the wild and beautiful Boreas River:

And little Daphne came down to join me. I think she may have been considering entering the water, but wisely decided against it. It was simply too rocky there:

Oldsters Wally and Winky arrived later than the other dogs and had to do their own exploring:

I was in no hurry and it was such an idyllic spot that I was content to rest and watch the dogs for some time:

Of course I don't know what they smell or how they interpret such things, but there apparently were some fascinating odors there which told quite an interesting story:

Little Clover was the first to make a move back toward the car. I'll post more tomorrow about our stop at the Boreas River:


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