
Friday, December 4, 2009

Traveling Northward - The Keane Cemetery

Thanksgiving morning! I loaded the dogs into the back of the car and began driving up to the farm. I hadn't been there in a month and was anxious to see the improvements to the barn which Rick had made.

Some people think it's sad that I should be alone on Thanksgiving but (1.) I'm not alone with 6 dogs in the car and (2.) My life is wonderful and not in need of some other person to "fix it." I guess I've become somewhat sensitive about that issue over the years. My least favorite holidays were when I was with certain people. I'm quite happy now. The dogs and I had a marvelous day and an adventure traveling through the Adirondacks. I stopped at a convenience store for a sandwich and couldn't have been more thankful if I'd been in a room full of people eating turkey.

Our first stop en route was the cemetery on the hill in Keane, right in the heart of the high peaks region of the Adirondacks. I'm coming to realize that cemeteries are marvelous places for views and for letting the dogs out to stretch their legs. I learned in college that they're also great places for bird watching, but haven't had a chance to do much of that in years.

Here's the our first view from the cemetery in Keane:

There was one vehicle on another hillside visiting a grave and I thought how bittersweet it must be to miss someone so much you visit their grave on Thanksgiving (please disregard any inconsistencies between this statement and my aforementioned comments on being alone on a holiday). I also thought the person might object to my bunch of dogs running around, but whoever it was kept his/her distance and privacy, leaving me to enjoy the views and the dogs to enjoy the smells:

Very little actual grass grows here so most of the "lawn" is wild Thyme:

Those rocky peaks in the distance are just about the direction we were headed, so we may have been driving right up into them when we continued our journey:

A cemetery on a hilltop in the Keane Valley of the Adirondacks is the ideal place for views. The entrance is rather hidden so I don't suppose tourists stop there often - and that's probably why the entrance is hidden. The more easily accessible entrance has been closed off:

This sculpture on top of a gravestone was very sweet:

Little stone walls had been built to produce terraces:

The dogs were primarily interested in running, peeing and sniffing:

Wally and Seamus take in the sights, I mean smells:

Wally, Winky and Fergus enjoying life:

Clouds over the high peaks

I loaded up the dogs and began to exit the cemetery when I saw a hill from which I might get some great views. The views weren't all that wonderful but it was nice to see all the dogs in my little car below me. Hey, what's Fergus doing in the driver's seat?!?:

One last look backward at the cemetery, one last count to be sure all the dogs are in the car, and off I went, headed towards the farm:

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