
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blackhead Range Hike - Part 7

The hike was almost over now and we were approaching the trail head. The dogs had lost some of their excess energy and I was weary and sore but feeling as if I'd had a great adventure and good exercise:

Most of the descent was at a moderate grade such as this - and it's a good thing, too, considering my aging body and one toe still sore from the descent down Overlook Mountain some weeks ago:

As the fog continued to dissipate, we got better views across the valley to the next row of Catskill peaks:

And a photo op:

C'mon, Dad. I think our car's just up ahead:

OK, well maybe just a few more hills to descend:

We reached the trail head and found that the hunter had gone home. We had the whole mountain to ourselves. The dogs jumped into the back of the car and I began driving home. Both dogs were exhausted and slept soundly for most of the trip. But I stopped along the way to snap a photo of this small farm nestled in the Catskill Mountains:

And this inn which is perched on the side of a mountain with views reaching for many miles:

Even on this less than clear day, the views from the inn were breathtaking:

If one eats dinner there, these views are right outside every window:

Of course the air wasn't clear enough on that day for me to verify it, but I believe that in the past I've stood here and seen the city of Albany far in the distance:

And one last cloud shrouded Catskill peak before I turned my attention fully to getting us home:

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