
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

An Attempted Hike To Meacham Falls - Part 1

We've been to a waterfall on the St. Regis River several times, but I read about another waterfall, just several miles upstream, near the outlet of Meacham Lake. So one day I drove there, pulled onto a gravel lane, parked and let the dogs out:

It was a lovely woodland and the dogs were excited:

Fergus and Jack found a Hobblebush with bright red berries:

Alas, we'd only gone a short distance when we came to a closed gate and many "Private Property, No Trespassing" signs. I searched for a legal trail but found none:

So we enjoyed retracing our steps as we returned to the car:

Another Hobblebush, this one with no berries but bright red leaves:

I drove across the highway to a parking area on State Park land, right at the outlet of Meacham Lake. It was beautiful:

I'd hoped to find a legal trail to the waterfall from there, but there was none. But there was no sense wasting such a wonderful place, so the dogs went into the water and played:

I pointed my camera up Meacham Lake. The sun blurred the shot, but the surrounding mountains framed the water:

Autumn ferns added color:

I decided to find a trail which would take us along the shore of Meacham Lake, so the dogs and I set out to explore. I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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