
Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Farewell


  1. Oh dear, you and yours will be missed so very much. Have a wonderful life with your lovely farm and pets. Alice and I wish you all the best in future.

    RB and Alice

    1. Thank you, and thanks for your encouraging comments.

  2. Bill just want to say thank you for your Blog. I've followed faithfully every day for years and will definitely miss seeing your beautiful farm and the Red Poll Girls!
    All the best in your future endeavours and God Bless!!!

  3. Oh dear Bill, I guess it was inevitable. So much Intention and timewent into your blog. I read every post with delight and often call Wally over to see the pictures as I did the other day showing him how Ruby watched Winston eating his first grain. Or how one cat or another is curled up with the dogs. Or how big a baby fantail has grown in such a short time. Or wonderful shots of the glorious forest colours as the season changes.
    I've so enjoyed having a peek into your life, having a vicarious delight in the peace of rural living and the personalities of your animal family. And I've learned so much: names of different mosses and flowers and how and what needs to be done on the farm among a myriad of other things. THANK YOU for sharing so much of your world and delight in life. It has been a soothing balm, believe me.

  4. I'll miss seeing you, your furry and feathered family and your corner of the world. Thanks so much for all the years you shared. Wishing you all the best.


  5. Bill, we've been away so didn't see your posts this fall but just wanted to let you know how much we've enjoyed reading your words and seeing your photos. Hope to run into you next spring in Winthrop.

  6. Hi Bill,
    Someone posted about snow geese and it reminded me of you mentioning them in your blog posts, I miss reading it every day i hope you and all your critters are well.

    1. I was thinking about Snow Geese today also - that I haven't seen any this year. Thanks for the kind words.

  7. Hi Bill,
    I was thinking about the peace your blog brought to me, and I am hoping you are alright as the world fights this fight against covid-19. Wishing you peace, health and kindness.

  8. It is kind of you to think of me. I am doing well and all set up to stay safe at home. Thank you for your kind thoughts. I wish you peace and safety as well.


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