
Friday, September 13, 2019

It's A Girl!

Scarlett went one and a half days past her due date, then calved during the night. I went out early in the morning, while the grass was wet with dew and the rosy light of dawn made photography difficult, and found Scarlett and her brand new baby girl:

 Winston and Rosella, his mom, came over to see what the excitement was about:

 And then all of them began to move to a sunnier spot:

 Also, Scarlett was uncomfortable with me getting so close to her new baby:

On the second day, I found them on the other side of the field. The baby was already running and jumping:

 And again on the second day, Scarlett took her baby and walked away from me. I named the little heifer Ruby:

 Scarlett has a couple of extra big teats, but her calves grow so quickly that they soon are able to drink from all four teats:

 Scarlett is my only cow who hides her babies in the manner of deer, and I've spent many hours trying to find her babies because she's hidden them in the grass. But on the next day, a neighbor called to tell me that the baby was with the herd. When I got out there, I found them next to the horses' corral:

 I walked around to get closer and found little Ruby already tasting grass and learning about electric fence. Blue stood inside his corral and watched the activity (Remy ignored us all):

 With her baby three days old, Scarlett decided I was OK to get close, so I moved in to take more pictures:

 Little Ruby followed all the cows, not just her mother, and kept her eye on me:

 And then she walked behind a tall thistle plant. I snapped one last photo and then went back inside the house:


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