
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chickens, Flowers, Turkeys

The little hens were closed up for the night when I snapped this photo. I made sure they had lots of food and water, then I collected the eggs and went back to the house for my own dinner and evening ritual:

 I never did learn what this mysterious Daylily is called, but it sure looks pretty in the early morning light as it begins to open:

 This Daylily I know the name of. It is called Paradise Pink:

 My favorite planting this year was the multicolored Yarrow. It's so thick that it's crowding out the weeds and so floriferous that I have a constant supply of colorful flowers:

And the red Yarrow is my favorite:

 But there are plenty of other colors and combinations as well:

Just a couple of days after I deadheaded the baby roses, I was shocked to see this Sevillana rose, barely 10" high, loaded with flowers again:

 I am still bringing flowers to church, including three vases full this Sunday. This was a collection of white (wild) Bouncing Bet, three colors of Daylilies, and Rugosa roses:

Several colors of Yarrow, yellow Heliopsis and blue Delphinium:

 Multicolored Sunflowers and Gloriosa Daisies:

Up the road from me is a pair of Narragansett turkeys, a male and female, who march out into the road and sometimes stop traffic. The male seems to be trying to assert his dominance as he displays to each car. I find this one of the delights of country life:

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