
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Moore's Hill Lilac Farm

The Massena Garden Club was going on a field trip to the Moore's Hill Lilac Farm in Potsdam, New York and some people from church were going with them. I decided to go also, and drove out alone, getting there early. I found a beautifully restored old farm house:

And a couple of barns in wonderful shape:

There were rows of Lilacs out back:

When the Garden Club (and guests) arrived, we assembled in the barn for a talk on Lilacs and to see lots of full color photos:

And then we broke into two groups to tour the outside, one led by the husband and one led by the wife:

Alas, our spring was so delayed that even the Lilacs were not yet blooming. Even with winter coats, it was so cold and blustery that we were shivering:

They had approximately sixty varieties, enough to confuse a novice like me:

They categorized their Lilacs into early, mid-season and late bloomers. The late bloomers were mostly what are often called Korean Lilacs, with smaller leaves and shorter heights:

We found one bush which was almost in bloom. You can see how cold it was by the way people were bundled up:

A Korean Lilac:

At the end, we reassembled in the barn for more information and to have our questions answered:

They do not ship or sell over the internet, but you might enjoy perusing their website. You can find it here. I bought a Lilac myself before I left, a variety called Beauty Of Moscow. It is a tall, fast growing, robust, heavily perfumed and abundant bloomer with pink buds which open to white: I am looking forward to seeing it bloom:

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