
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Annual Ladyslipper Walk - Part 2

A friend and I were walking in Brasher State Forest, looking for Pink Ladyslippers (see also Part 1, posted yesterday). I brought along my five dogs and she brought her dog, Teddy:

And we found a great many orchids in bloom:

Fergus found some himself, possibly making him feel like a great flower hunter:

And of course, the Pink Ladyslippers were spectacular and mysterious. Imagine living in the north country, where winters are long and harsh - but every spring wild orchids bloom all through the forest:

There were also many young plants without flowers, promising a future filled with spectacular blooms:

Seamus is aging and having trouble with his back legs, but he rallied for the occasion and had a wonderful, fun time:

One tiny plant at the base of a large pine tree:

And Teddy helped by finding a flower:

One blooming Ladyslipper with two young plants which may bloom next year:

They seemed to like to bloom in places covered with pine needles:

My friend and Seamus walked together for awhile. I sensed that both of them had had their fill of Ladyslippers, so I turned us back toward the road:

And I was surprised at how little distance we'd traveled. Within minutes, we could see the car up ahead. It had been a good walk, producing lots of photos:


  1. Thank you so much for the wildflower walks. I miss the ones my late husband and I enjoyed on our Oregon mountain property.
    RB and Alice

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I used to spend my summers in Oregon when I was a boy and developed a powerful love of nature there. I often think of the north country in New York as being much like Oregon (except for the colder winters here).


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