
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Rosella Gives Birth - Part 1

It was a cold, rainy day, just right for me to stay indoors. The horses and cattle were outside, relaxing:

There was a bit of hay left in the morning, though it didn't last long:

I noticed that Rosella was lifting her tail and acting as if her mind was preoccupied. I knew she was due to calve, so I figured a birth was on its way:

Rosella walked off, leaving the other cows:

And when I checked on her, I discovered a newborn calf. Rosella was eating the afterbirth:

And it appeared that more afterbirth was coming. Yes, newborn calves have white hooves, but they darken quickly after they're born:

Rosella has always been a good mother, and she tended to her baby. I couldn't tell yet if it was a heifer or bull calf:

I went back in the house but a neighbor knocked on the door two hours later to inform me that I now had two calves in the field:

Rosella was busy tending the second calf while the first calf must have been trying to figure out where it was:

I watched the three of them to be sure everything was OK and hoping to find out what sex the calves were:

The newest baby stayed curled up and I couldn't identify its gender:

But the first calf let me stand her on her feet and lift her tail, revealing that she was a heifer calf. There is more to this story, though, and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:


  1. Congratulations on the birth of Rosella's twins!
    RB and Alice

    1. Thanks, though you'll discover in tomorrow's post that not all went well.


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