
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Little Horses In Their Corral

It's taken a few weeks to get Blue and Remy accustomed to spending their days in the new corral and their nights in the barn:

Remy was especially rebellious and our walks between the barn and corral (in both directions) became frightening for me as I thought he might accidentally (or intentionally?) hurt me:

But over time, both little guys have calmed down and seem now to enjoy their new lives:

I throw a brick of hay over their fence each morning because they have almost no grass left in there to eat. That is, after all, why they're in there:

My Amish neighbor trimmed their hooves the other day and said it was obvious they'd had laminitis (grass founder) but were healing nicely:

And sometimes their friends, the cows, come and lie down just outside the fence as if they want to keep them company:

It may be anthropomorphism on my part, but I really think both cows and horses enjoy these closeness sessions, even though separated by an electric fence:

Remy, being the most clever and mischievous, is the first to be led out in the morning and first to be led back to the barn in the evening. In the morning, I tie him to the Box Elder tree while I go to fetch Blue from the barn:

I tie Blue to the tree in evening so I can safely lead Remy back to the barn for the night - but that doesn't stop Remy from being mischievous:

I took this shot from the road one day while the cows were visiting the horses. It seems to have become a ritual:

And I took this picture from inside the horses' corral just as the cows were moving on. Things have been blessedly peaceful recently:

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