
Friday, April 26, 2019

The Great Egg-scapade

It was a chilly, rainy, spring afternoon and the dogs, cats and I were lounging around and doing nothing much:

 But I had accumulated three dozen eggs (well, 35 to be exact), and decided to clean them out of my refrigerator:

 So I cracked all 35 of them into a nonstick pan:

 I scrambled them and distributed them into six dog bowls:

 I put Seamus into the laundry room with his own bowl because he, like me, needs to limit the quantity he eats. I put the other five bowls down on the kitchen floor. To my surprise, Daisy and Caspar marched right in and began helping themselves:

 At first, the dogs were unsure of what that odd, gooey stuff was - but they soon figured it out:

 In the other part of the kitchen, Jack, Bugsy, Sammy and Daisy helped themselves to scrambled eggs (note the accumulation of cat toys by the door on the right):

 Miraculously, all my animals eat together without conflict, sharing and waiting their turn, though having plenty of bowls surely helps keep the peace:

 Bugsy and Sammy moved over to taste some of Fergus' eggs. He didn't growl, but he accelerated his eating speed:

 And then they all lay down and burped while I washed dishes:

 You didn't see Seamus formerly because he was alone in the laundry room, but the other dogs and cats hadn't been able to eat all of their eggs, so Seamus did the cleanup after I let him into the kitchen. Then he too lay down and burped:

 Daisy, Seamus, Daphne and Jack all joined me in the computer room while I put this post together. It seemed to me that this had been a great success, but that night all the dogs vomited and had diarrhea. It was a horrible mess. I will try again in the future, but only with a much smaller quantity of eggs:


  1. On a farm one has either too much water and too many eggs, or not enough, but never at the right time...
    RB and Alice

  2. I feed my cat a bit of scrambled eggs and oatmeal once in a while. But he will try almost any kind of people food. So I relent unless it is something I think might harm him. Ruth from Ohio

    1. My cats surprised me with how much they liked the eggs.


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