
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

I collected Pussy Willows for a woman in the church choir and she made crosses of them to hang in the church. She also made one for me, and it is hanging on my kitchen wall. I put it up high, hoping to keep the two kittens from attacking it. I saw Caspar walk beneath it, stop and look up - but then he continued on his way, leaving it alone. These are my own, home grown Pussy Willows:

Remy is enjoying springtime. It's not too hot, not too cold, no bothersome flies, and he doesn't have to walk far to get a drink of water:

We've had a few surprise snowstorms, but they melt quickly at this time of year:

Blue has taken to sleeping in the barn and sometimes doesn't want to wake up when I enter. He has a soft bed of hay and the warming morning sun coming through the east windows:

But he also likes to go outside, especially now that his hooves have been trimmed again:

Sammy has been shy and skittish since he arrived, but he's really made himself at home now:

I don't know why this photo is so yellow, but it may be the color of the paint on the walls because other pictures in this room have turned out yellow also. Nonetheless, I liked it because it showed Clover, Fergus, Seamus, Daphne and Daisy keeping me company:

And their other favorite spot is the kitchen corner. This collection included Daphne, Fergus, Clover, Jack, Caspar and Seamus:

And little Jack follows me wherever I go:

Seamus, Daphne and Bugsy:

The Red Poll girls are fat and happy. Rosella is due about May 13, so I am hoping for a purebred calf very soon:

The hay supply is very low, and I'm concerned about whether we'll make it until they can live on green grass. We'll know very soon:

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