
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dreams Of Springtime - Part 2

Yesterday I presented my excessive plans for planting seeds this spring, but I've also got roots and plants to put in the ground when it finally warms up. I have six Asiatic Lilies, mixed colors:

Four Day Lilies, Always Afternoon variety:

Four Day Lilies, Daring Dilemma variety:

Four Day Lilies, Eleanor Apps variety:

Six Day Lilies, Frosted Vintage Ruffles variety:

Six Delphiniums, mixed colors:

Four Echinacea, Purpurea variety:

Two Peonies, Coral Sunset variety:

Hardy rose, Carefree Delight:

Super hardy rose, Morden Snowbeauty:

Hardy rose, Watercolors Home Run:

Six Yarrow, mixed colors:


  1. Love your flower selection. Looking forward to seeing them bloom.
    RB and Alice

    1. Thanks. I'm hoping for lots of flowers, though some plants may not bloom much the first year. The sunflowers should be spectacular, but not until the end of the season.

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