
Monday, March 18, 2019

Cats In The House!

After many years of living with aged cats, I now find myself with four comparatively youthful felines and am finding it both fun and frustrating. But when they are sleeping outside my bedroom door, all seems right with the world. In this case it was just three of them - Daisy, Sammy and Bugsy:

Sammy is very shy and easily alarmed if I try to hold or restrain him. But when he relaxes, he does so with style:

Bugsy has owl-like eyes and is very cute:

Daisy has lovely calico colors and is friendly and sweet:

Little Caspar is best friends with Sammy, and they alternate cuddling and running wildly through the house like feline tornadoes:

Daisy now sleeps most of the day:

Little Caspar is still learning to be a cat. Always loving and gentle, he decided that I was a fun toy and began hooking my hand with his claws. I am now more careful, lest I encourage that behavior:

Bugsy is shy and retiring, but unlike Sammy, he likes to be held and cuddled:

And Daisy often follows me all around the house, sometimes getting in the way of my feet and making it difficult to walk:

She likes to sit on the windowsill, but this year I didn't feed the birds. There's not much activity out there for her to watch this winter:

Sammy is an expert at looking stylish even as he lounges on the cat tree:

Caspar's favorite pet bed is atop a green bureau and beneath a barn board painting. When he's awake, I imagine he's contemplating what mischief he can cause next:

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