
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Pets At Home

The dogs and cats of the house live a life of ease, at least whenever the two kittens are resting. Caspar alternates naps with bursts of wild energy:

Bugsy has grown out of his kitten silliness, but Sammy still is a wild and crazy sort of guy. It was unusual for me to catch them resting together:

As for the dogs, they still enjoy the floor pillows in the kitchen corner. These are three littlest dogs - Daphne, Jack and Clover:

The two kittens, Caspar and Sammy, often sleep together and I am addicted to photographing them because I think it's so cute:

Upstairs in my bedroom, safe from mischievous cats, Meghan and Ruby live a comfortable but uneventful life:

 Bugsy and Sammy joined three of the dogs (Daphne, Fergus and Clover) in the kitchen corner:

 Another kitchen corner collection: Daphne, Fergus, Jack, Seamus, Bugsy and Clover:

The four cats often wait for me in their cat tree, just outside my bedroom door. I finally got a photo of all four of them on the tree, though Bugsy is a bit hard to see. He's the black shape behind Sammy:

The other favorite sleeping spot is the yoga mat behind my computer chair, and Seamus and Fergus can often be found there. As you can see, it's also a favorite spot for Bugsy:

Back in the kitchen corner, I found Daphne, Clover, Seamus and Jack. Fergus was somewhere nearby but didn't make it into the picture:

 Black dogs and cats are difficult to photograph, so I was pleased to get this picture of Bugsy which actually showed his face:

And the last photo is of Daphne on a yoga mat. In the background you can see that I buy lots of cat litter. I have, however, had to quit buying the Walmart brand of clumping litter because it became so dusty that my whole house was covered in dust:


  1. Always love seeing your troupe, Bill.

    Just wanted to comment that we've been paying for the expensive "low dust" clumping kitty litter soon after we got Muji and Babu because I could smell the cheaper stuff in my bathroom towels. Even so I finally got fed up with the constant layer of gray dust on everything even with the expensive stuff that we forked out for a HEPA filter last week and it seems to be helping so much better even though we've had 2 other air filters running constantly nearby.

    Being a potter in a former life I've worried about the silica content in the dust not to mention the clumping ingredient sodium bentonite. I made the "mistake" of trying to wash the dust out of my vacuum cleaner and it clumped to a hardened gel before I could flush it. What does that look like in the lungs? Yikes.

    Hope your switch makes the difference considering you have twice as many cats as I. And I hope you're all warm and cozy. What a February for cold!

    1. Thanks, Lorraine. I used an air compressor to blow as much dust as possible off of everything and from behind the furniture (which included pet hair). I had to sweep twice and vacuum three times, but it seemed to help a lot. Thanks for the warning about trying to wash the vacuum cleaner. I will make it a point not to do that. I hope you are all doing well and staying warm (as much as possible).


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