
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Almost All Canine News

Yesterday's post was almost all about the cats, so today I will focus on the dogs. This typical scene in the kitchen corner included all the dogs plus little Caspar, who likes to snuggle up to his giant buddy, Seamus:

The beloved dog beds and floor pillows in the kitchen corner with Clover, Fergus, Jack and Daphne:

The dogs have a fenced yard with a ramp down into it. They often stand at the gate and wait for me to let them back in:

But they also enjoy their time outside, especially when there is freshly fallen snow:

Seamus likes the chilly, snowy outdoors so much that he often resists coming back inside:

Jack developed a bad cough which the vet says is from infected teeth. He's been on antibiotics for over a week but is still coughing. When his cough is cured, he'll have most of his teeth removed:

Seamus and Fergus seem to be good friends, and spend much time together:

Seamus, Fergus and Daphne, keeping me company while I'm at the computer:

The big, green floor pillow was put there for Seamus, but the little dogs most often get it. In this case, it was Jack, Daphne and Clover:

Seamus, Daphne and Fergus, again watching me while I was at the computer:

We had a winter thaw, then a bit of fresh snow once again. That was cause for joy although they would have liked the snow to be deeper:

But the most common scene in my house is always the dogs (and Caspar) in the kitchen corner:


  1. I'm getting so much pleasure out of watching Sammy and Caspar grow up. So sorry that Jack's teeth are so infected. I hope losing them won't affect his infectious joy. You've taken so many wonderful shots of his rapturous running.
    Happy happy new year to you all Bill.
    Lorraine x

    1. Thanks, Lorraine. All my dogs and cats are happy and healthy now. I miss the updates on your cats. Are they doing well?

  2. Thanks for asking Bill. Muji and Babu are playing "running up the stairs" before breakfast right now. There have been some new developments this year. The cats have come to identify Wally as prepping better food, and Muji has become much more interested in eating these days which, as you may remember, used to be a big problem. I'm always amazed that you can monitor and maintain the health of so many in your care. They do make a house a home though don't they?

    1. I'm happy to know that you, Wally and the cats are happy and doing well. As for my crew - yes, they do keep me on my toes.


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