
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cats And Dogs, A Life Of Ease

Seamus and Bugsy are often found together, lounging on the yoga mat behind my computer chair:

And sometimes little Caspar snuggles up to his gigantic buddy, Seamus:

Sammy is friendly but wary of being handled. He follows me around and watches my every move. He usually lets me pet him but does not want to be picked up:

Fergus, Bugsy and Seamus:

A typical scene by my computer chair: Daphne, Fergus and Seamus on the yoga mat - Sammy in a pet bed on the rocking chair - Caspar in a pet bed on the green bureau:

Jack developed a horrible cough, which the vet said was due to his rotting teeth. After two weeks on antibiotics and a dental operation, Jack is feeling good again. The bonus was that his ordeal somehow completed his housebreaking. I don't understand the connection, but I'm glad it worked that way:

Another scene behind my computer chair: Clover, Seamus, Daphne and Bugsy:

Little Caspar in one of the pet beds. He also sometimes steals the towel inside it and runs away with it, using it as a toy and playing keep-away when I try to retrieve it:

Daisy plays sometimes, but she's getting too old for too much kitten foolishness. She'd rather nap and be petted:

Caspar still tries to use Seamus as his surrogate mommy sometimes. Luckily, Seamus is totally patient with the little guy. He even lets him eat with him out of his dog food bowl. Fergus and Daphne were enjoying the camaraderie also:

The cats' favorite toys are jingle-balls, and they've been accumulating all over the house. When they began to collect along the front door (which I never open), I thought that was a great place for me to put them also. That way, the kittens know where to go to get them:

Sammy and Clover on the big green floor pillow:

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