
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Everyone's Friend

I began to notice changes in the cats' and dogs' relationships when the new kitten, Caspar, came into the house. It began when I noticed him contemplating joining the dogs in their kitchen corner napping spot:

 As with most of the animals, little Caspar's first friend was gigantic Seamus, who is big, soft and friendly:

 And Seamus is tolerant of all kinds of silliness:

 Do you think he'll let me?

 I'll give him a massage to show him I like him:

 His next canine friends were Clover, Fergus and Daphne:

 Then Caspar apparently decided that Seamus would make a good mommy substitute and he began kneading and sucking on his curly neck hair. Seamus didn't mind:

 Mostly he uses Sammy for play, but Caspar discovered they can cuddle together too:

 He often joins all the dogs (except Jack, who thinks Caspar is a little irritating) in the kitchen corner:

 And when no dogs or cats are available, he'll sleep with one of his many jingle-balls. But only after he's worn himself out batting them all around the house:

 Better still, he can curl up with a couple of dogs AND the jingle-ball:

 Daisy is a pretty good cuddler too. Caspar has made himself at home here and made good friends while doing so:


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