
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Dogs And Cats Galore

The new cat, Sammy, took several weeks to come out of hiding, but he finally decided that this was a safe place and living with dogs wasn't so bad after all. He likes Daphne because she's small and relatively quiet:

 Bugsy is still the only cat who sleeps with the dogs, but I'll wager that Sammy will join the cuddle-fest soon:

 Sammy, atop his favorite litter box:

 Clover, Fergus, Daphne and Jack taking a nap:

 Daphne, Fergus and Seamus, keeping me company at the computer:

 Another view of the computer room, this one with Sammy using Georgette's old bed and dogs by my desk:

The dogs love to go outside, but they soon want to come back inside if that's where I am:

 The yoga mats I put down to help Seamus on the hard floors have become playthings for Bugsy and Sammy:

 All five dogs plus Bugsy, snoozing in the kitchen corner:

 Seamus, Daisy, Sammy and Bugsy were watching me make dinner:

 Bugsy and Daisy:

 All five dogs in their favorite snoozing spot, the kitchen corner:


  1. Sammy is a very handsome cat and seems to be a great addition to the family.
    RB and Alice

    1. Thanks. He's more shy than any cat I've ever known, but he's slowly coming around.

  2. Bugsy has grown up to be beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Dianna. It is good to hear from you again. I hope you are well.


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