
Monday, October 15, 2018

Dogs And Cats At Home

Traditional lore credits extra personality to calico and orange tiger cats. Daisy is upholding that tradition. She follows me around the house and flops over on her back if she sees me notice her. She wants attention but is not above nipping the hand that gives it to her. Why not play and be petted at the same time?

Bugsy still likes to sleep with the dogs in the kitchen corner:

And the dogs still enjoy their time outdoors - unless it is raining or too cold:

Fergus, Clover, Bugsy and Daphne tried to squeeze onto the big, green floor pillow together - but Fergus didn't quite fit:

I took the above picture and began to walk away when Jack joined the collection. Of course I had to take another photo:

The dogs love to lounge on their ramp. This was taken the day before Seamus and Fergus went to the groomer for their twice per year haircut:

And this was taken when they got home. What a difference!

I've kept the maple tree trimmed as a bush ever since I moved here because I feared it was too near the house to be allowed to grow big. The dogs love it as a source of shade:

Clover's love for sleeping on rocks seems to be because they get warm in the sun and she uses them as heating pads:

Again on the ramp - Jack, Seamus, Fergus and Daphne. Clover was probably sleeping on a rock when I took this picture:

Fergus and Daphne on my bed. All four small dogs normally sleep there, and gigantic Seamus has a big, soft floor pillow:

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