
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Red Poll Girls

Violet and Scarlet watched me with interest as I snapped their picture. Someone behind them apparently wanted to get into the picture too but was squeezed out:

Life is good for six red cows and one white calf:

Jasmine and Gracie:

Gracie again. Some of my cows have lost weight, but Gracie seems to be fatter than ever:

One morning it was obvious that Rosella was in heat, so I called the A.I. (artificial insemination) technician. Then I lured Rosella into the barn with grain and locked her inside. She didn't seem to mind much, though she'd have preferred to be outside with her herd:

When the A.I. man arrived, I got Rosella into the squeeze chute and closed the head lock on her. She's used to this and was not alarmed:

The A.I. man got out a straw of frozen semen from a champion Red Poll bull, warmed it up and inserted it. It was all finished in short order and Rosella rejoined her herd:

Jasmine is looking very good this summer except that her hooves are beginning to grow too long again:

Finding good, tasty grass took more time and travel during the drought, but now that it's growing rapidly again, there's plenty of time for napping:

They cover every inch of their pasture, making sure they don't let any grass get too tall:

Little Lucky isn't all that little any more and I've taken a series of photos to use when I advertise him for sale. He's not very old, but he's big, strong and independent:

The Red Poll girls are a peaceful bunch, spending their days together as a family:

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