
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Pets At Home

It's been unusually hot and dry again so we've all spent much time indoors where it is at least slightly cooler. The dogs and cats (and I) love to nap anyway, This collection included all the dogs except Clover and all the cats except Bugsy:

Georgette's new favorite bed is on a rocking chair in the computer room:

But the kitchen corner floor pillows are still the favorite spot for community napping. This collection included Daphne, Fergus, Clover and Bugsy:

And in the kitchen corner, the favorite soft spot is the giant green floor pillow. It can hold three dogs at a time:

And on a good day, it can hold three dogs plus Bugsy, the cat:

I put down yoga mats because Seamus was becoming unable to walk on the hard, slippery floors - but they've also become good napping locations:

Daphne and Clover are like sisters:

All five dogs in their fenced yard:

My last Siamese Fighting Fish has done so well that I brought home another, this time a pure white fish. I've never seen that color before:

They have their own small tanks but I pushed them together for a picture. Being fighting fish, they began to display their fins and colors when they saw each other. Normally, they can't see each other:

And the kitchen corner this time had only three dogs:

Seamus and Jack on the computer room yoga mats. They like to lean against my chair so it's difficult for me to move:

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