
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Dogs, Cats, Fish And Guinea Pigs

All is well with the household pets and the kitchen corner is still the favorite spot for the dogs. This collection included Fergus, Clover, Jack and Daphne:

Our weather was so idyllic that the dogs were happy outdoors also. In this case, it was Fergus, Seamus, Daphne and Jack:

I took some photos of the Siamese Fighting Fish one morning and, when I checked the pictures, was presented with a dilemma - which color was the correct representation? The answer is they both are, for the color he appears to be changes with the shifting light and how it reflects off his fins and scales:

A kitchen corner trio - Clover, Daphne and Fergus. Notice the sleepy smile on Fergus' face:

Outdoors, Seamus and Clover enjoyed the fresh air and the aroma of the Mock Orange in bloom:

Back indoors, the dogs went right back to sleep:

Except that Seamus likes to hang out on the yoga mats next to my computer. Daphne joined him on the day I took this picture:

Daisy likes the yoga mats too. I used to blame her and her toenails for the divots in the mats, but I've never seen her snagging them, so maybe it's Seamus' big toenails and heavy weight which is doing the damage. Whatever the cause, I've learned to live with it and to sweep up the detritus each morning:

Jack, Clover, Fergus and Bugsy:

Upstairs, Ruby and Meghan, the resident guinea pigs, live a very posh life. they get lettuce and a carrot each morning after I clean their cage and put down fresh pine shavings. What more could a guinea pig want?

They have a shelf beneath which they hide, or jump up onto for pelleted food:

Meghan has been drinking an awful lot of water lately and also spilling a lot of it. The pine shavings are wet every morning. She otherwise seems happy and healthy:

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