
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Around The Farm

I took this photo on a day when Remy insisted on grazing where the snow had melted, even though there was nothing much in the way of grass to eat. He also ran and played, rejoicing in the spring weather:

 The little bantam hens still can't go outside because of our ravenous fox population:

 But they know it is springtime and are laying eggs again. I've been hard boiling the eggs and feeding them to the dogs as treats:

 The Barred Rock bantams are getting kind of old to be layers now, which is a blessing because I am feeling buried in eggs now as it is:

 Violet and Rocket, the biggest and smallest Red Polls:

 The fantail pigeons have been nesting for months now but so far, no eggs have hatched:

 Even though they never run out of food or water, they flock to the feeders when I top them off. I suppose it's a case of "hope springs eternal." Maybe some day, they hope, he'll bring us champagne and caviar:

 They have their own pigeon society, complete with rivalries, squabbles, boredom and love affairs:

 Georgette has moved from the kitchen table to a small stand nearby. Daisy has made a few peaceful gestures and Georgette has shown some courage, strolling boldly across the floor as her former tormentors watch. As for me, I am glad to see signs of peaceful coexistence:

 I saw these tracks outside my barn after our last (I hope) snowstorm. I checked them out and decided they were raccoon tracks. I'd never know of all the wildlife which crosses my property at night if it weren't for the tracks in the snow:

 This scene looked to me as if Violet and Amy were whispering derogatory quips about Remy as they watched from behind:

 I found this photo in my camera a couple of days after Bramble was put to sleep. It was his last morning, and he was next to Clover on the big floor pillow. You can see how his spine was protruding. You can't see his belly, but it had bloated. The vet said his kidneys and heart were failing. This photo was a nice, albeit bittersweet, surprise:

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