
Friday, February 23, 2018

Rocket's Baby Pictures

Rocket was a hearty eater (well, milk drinker) from his first morning and perhaps the fastest growing calf I've ever seen. He was eating hay at two weeks old. Luckily, his mama produces a lot of milk and is an excellent mother:

He spent a lot of time sleeping his first week, and Scarlett, his mom, made sure he always had a bed of hay to rest on:

I began carrying a bowl of grain out to him, but he preferred to try and eat Jasmine's bowl. At those times when he figured out the correct procedure, though, he enjoyed eating some grain:

 He was a cutie, right from the beginning:

 He soon learned to sneak into the barn and eat the indoor hay. Sometimes Remy allowed him to stay there, and sometimes Remy chased him back outside:

At two weeks, I lured Scarlett into the barn with grain, then closed the door on her to keep her inside. The neighbors came over and helped me capture Rocket, then tattoo his ears and give him an ear tag. It's wonderful to have such helpful, friendly neighbors:

The next morning, he began to take an interest in grain, but none of the big cows (not even Scarlett) let him have any:

 I tried to bring him out his own bowl, but given the recent tattooing incident, he didn't trust me. Look at that chest he was already growing!:

He was alert and smart enough not to get caught again for another tattoo. He also began running in big circles through the snow, just for fun:

 I checked on him often and learned not to panic if at first I didn't see him, for he was likely to be sleeping behind one of his gigantic aunties:

 Little Rocket is growing rapidly and showing much promise. I am pleased:


  1. Big sigh of relief! I was fearful that something bad may have happened to this little doll baby. Thanks for your excellent care and thanks to the nice neighbors too that helped. We have some flooded counties here in Ohio but we'll make it. The best to all.

    1. Thanks. I am quite pleased with the little guy. We haven't flooded yet, but this is the time of year we also need to watch out for it.

  2. What remarkable maturing in so young a baby! How very sweet and encouraging, Bill.

  3. I love the pictures of little Rocket peeking from behind his Aunties. Thanks so much for sharing, your blog is a pleasure to visit!

    1. Thanks. I always feared they might roll over on him but apparently they know to be careful.


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