
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Gracious Living In Historic Malone, New York - Part 2

I was taking a driving tour to photograph some beautiful, historic homes in snowy Malone, NY (see also Part 1, posted yesterday):

A lovely front porch, but what I noticed the most was the Tree Hydrangea growing out front. They do well here in this northern climate:

A friendly, well maintained home surrounded by trees:

Front gates and stately bearing:

An impressive home with portico and carriage house:

A large brick home, set back behind large spruce trees:

A home with a hip roof:

Porches everywhere!

Set back behind the evergreens:

A two story front porch:

A stately home, which I thought looked impressively historic:

The last house I photographed was this large, historic brick structure. Malone had lots of streets with such impressive homes, so I may be back for another driving tour some day:


  1. This is another good aspect of your blog that I find very interesting. Thank you for showing us these beautiful homes. They all look so very well built and sturdy.


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