
Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Elves Pay A Vist To The Farm

 Meghan as a Christmas reindeer:

 Ruby, the wiggly nosed reindeer, here to help guide Santa's sleigh:

Jack with a mistletoe hat, hoping for a kiss - if he doesn't tip over first:

Fergus, knowing that he looks like a goofy elf in his "Happy Holidays" hat:

Seamus thinks he got the worst assignment, wearing a "Santa stuck in the chimney" hat:

Clover in her "Who Needs Mistletoe" shirt and a Christmas tree hat. Indeed, who needs mistletoe when you're a diva?:

Daphne as The Ghost Of Christmas Present:"

Georgette was pleased to wear a ribbon for the holiday. In her mind, any attention is good attention:

Look at Seamus' facial expression. It seemed that he was feeling put upon, having to wear red reindeer antlers:

Jack didn't mind his Santa hat except that it kept falling off and covering his face:

The best Christmas costume of the day came when Clover donned a pair of angel wings. They seemed appropriate:

Seamus as Yukon Cornelius, from "The Island Of Misfit Toys:"

The cats were more resistant to wearing goofy costumes, though Daisy did momentarily allow the mistletoe hat. Getting her to hold still was quite another story. But all of this was to wish you a Merry Christmas:


  1. And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours from RB and Alice, the blue heeler. Eugene OR

    1. Thank you, and a wonderful Christmas to you as well.

  2. Please give Jack a kiss from me. In fact, Christmas kisses to all, though I've never kisses a rodent ha ha. A Wonderful post; made me so happy, Bill.
    Sweet Christmas to you.

    1. Thank you. May you, Wally, Babu and Muji all have a wonderful holiday.


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