
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Lilliputian Equines

Blue and Remy have developed into wonderful, sociable little horses although they have different personalities:

Blue is shy and reticent, while Remy is outgoing and bold:

Rosella and the little horses seem to have bonded, and I often find them together:

Remy can be quite a clown, and loves to roll around like a happy puppy. This seems to be something he does to express his joy, not because he itches. Blue seldom rolls like that:

When I enter the gate to refill and clean the stock tank, both Remy and Blue usually run to greet me:

And I often find it difficult to get a good photo of Remy because he is too close. He seems to want to be in my lap:

Our cool autumn temperatures have made the horsey boys happy, and they graze contentedly in the south field. The north field is ready for more grazing but all my animals are so fat already that I'm not sure it's a good idea to put them there. I'll have to consult someone with more experience:

There is a large patch of a plant which looks like some kind of Smartweed. The animals usually won't eat it, but from time to time they will graze there. The cows treat it the same way, avoiding it for some time but then going straight to it:

A peaceful scene, with Remy and Blue together:

Most of the time, the little horses hang out with the big red cows. They seem to love their cows, who accept them as part of the herd but don't seem to feel the same affection - except for Rosella, of course. Rosella likes the little guys:

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