
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Contented Pets At Home

You've hopefully seen the recent posts about the hikes the dogs got to take. Those hikes tired them out and encouraged them to be contented with sleeping all day, curled up in the farm house kitchen with the cats:

The dogs also like to lounge outdoors in their fenced run, at least when the weather is nice:

Two of the cats in particular are fond of both the dogs and of the floor pillows in the kitchen corner. In this case it was Bramble curled up with Clover, and Rocky on the giant green cushion:

I brought home a Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta) from Walmart one day. I braced myself for him to not live long, but he's done exceptionally well. He sure is pretty:

Why is Georgette not in her bed atop the table? Because it was being washed. Her bed gets both hairy and dirty, both of which incline me to wish it wasn't on the kitchen table. So I wash it when I can:

Daisy and Bugsy sometimes cohabit the top shelf of the tallest cat tree at the top of the stairs. The light is poor there, but they make such a cute pair that I wanted a photo:

The two guinea pigs, Ruby and Meghan, get clean pine shavings every morning. They also get lettuce and carrots each morning. Like the cows and horses, these two are also getting rather tubby:

Lazy days spent outside while the weather is still nice. It won't be long before the temperatures drop and the snow begins to fall:

Daphne, Jack, Seamus and Fergus shared the ramp. It's a favorite resting place:

All five dogs plus Rocky The Cat. Life is good:

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