
Friday, September 22, 2017

Pets At Home

We had lots of idyllic weather recently and the dogs have enjoyed more time in their fenced yard than usual. Daphne, Seamus and Fergus were resting on the ramp, a favorite spot:

Cooler weather meant there was no desire for shade and Fergus, Seamus and Clover moved farther out into the yard:

I was mowing the grass in their yard when Jack came up to say hello:

Upstairs in my bedroom, Meghan and Ruby whistled for more lettuce:

All five dogs on the ramp. There is shade there on sunny days and Seamus likes it because the slope makes it easier for him to stand up:

Daisy often follows me wherever I go, but she is particularly fond of the bathroom and has made it her home office:

More fine weather for the dogs to be out in their fenced yard:

One day I found Rocky in Bramble's bed. I think Bramble went upstairs and began using Rocky's bed. The bed switching only seemed to happen once, however:

Fergus kept an eye on me:

Fergus, Jack and Seamus:

Georgette still lives on the kitchen table. It's not very sanitary for me, but she is happy there:

And the kitchen corner is still the most popular spot on the property:


  1. Love that shot of the dogs looking at you on the ramp. Is Seamus recuperating ok from his fall the other day? It's so nice to see Georgette looking more perky and personable. Was it just a blip or is she feeling better these days?

    1. Seamus is feeling much better, but his age and size are making our hikes more difficult for him. Each short hike takes him a week or so to recover. Georgette seems physically fine, but she too is now elderly and a bit strange, regarding the other cats as enemies. I'm getting elderly myself - and feeling some of the ill-effects, so I sympathize with them.

  2. Thanks Bill. I'm in the same boat and really suffer without my omega 3. The cats get fish oil that I take as well as flaxseed oil.

    You do a remarkable job with all your charges. I keep hoping Violet is ok, but it's been a while now since she was supposed to have aborted so that's promising. I'm also delighted to see how well the runty fantail has done since being pecked. These stories of life on the farm have me hooked.

    On another note, I really had a yen for a guinea pig when my dog died. I never did follow through. Your description of whistling surprised me. Any personality traits for these two?

    1. Guinea Pigs have outsize personalities and like to whistle when begging for treats or "purr" (sort of) when annoyed. They also squeal, kind of like piglets, which is probably where they got their name. They are naturally shy and don't like to be handled, but I pet them (especially under the chin) each morning when I feed and clean them, so they've come to accept it. Meghan, who was originally the least friendly, has decided that I'm OK after all - and is now the more friendly of the two. I keep mine in the bedroom, where the cats can't get in and torment them, though the home they came from had cats which sat atop their cage without any problems.


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