
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dogs And Cats

It's been an unusually cool summer, but now that August is here, I'd better get Seamus a haircut:

 These dogs have an easy life, napping on the bed. Jack is in the picture too, and you can just see his nose and front paws underneath the bed:

 We've had a few hot days, and on those days Clover used the shade of the maple tree to keep her cool:

 Daphne and Fergus used the shade of the gigantic Rugosa Roses, while little Jack dug a hole and curled up in the cool earth:

 Clover also likes to make herself comfy in the tall grass:

 If I'm at the computer, Jack positions himself by the wall and watches me:

 Georgette does not like other cats, and there had been some trouble between her and Daisy. I was at first alarmed that Daisy was sleeping in full sight of Georgette, but then I noticed that they both seem to have made peace. Leaving them to their own devices may have paid off:

 As for pure laziness, I present this lounging trio: Seamus, Fergus and Daphne:

 Daisy also likes to relax on the lamp table where I prepare the dog food each morning:

 And she likes the kitchen chair. That's Jack on the blue dog bed in the background:

 Rocky is partial to the top of the dog food bin:

 When my Amish neighbor trimmed the horses' hooves, he tied his horse outside the barn. My dogs barked of course, but his horse is so calm that it didn't care. I can't take a picture of the Amish people (they hate it), but his horse didn't mind:

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