
Friday, April 7, 2017

Focus On Cats

It's been a long time since I devoted an entire blog post to the cats of the house. It seems more relevant now than ever, because with the two new additions of younger, more active felines, there's a lot of cat personalities now in play. So here's some information on the household cats:

Daisy was dumped at my barn last summer and was terrified. I captured her in a live trap and, since no Shelter would take her, I adopted her. She was very sick for many months and almost lost one eye, but she's now a happy girl:

Bugsy was a tiny, sick, flea infested kitten who was dumped at my barn with Daisy. He's grown into a luxurious, beautiful cat although he too was very sick for a long time:

Georgette was taken, long ago, to the Shelter after being found abandoned in an Albany apartment with her one kitten. The Shelter gave her an orphaned litter to nurse and I fostered them all. When all the kittens were adopted, Georgette went to several adoption clinics. Though always more than friendly with me, she hissed at everyone at the adoption clinics. One volunteer interpreted this to mean that Georgette had decided to live with me and I accepted that. So Georgette stayed:

Rocky has been with me for a long time. He was a farm kitten many years ago, adopted after my elderly cat, D.J., died:

Bramble was part of a litter dropped off at the Shelter, and the only one who wasn't friendly. A Shelter employee suggested I adopt him because, with his personality, no one else would want him. He's always been - well, a little "different," but he now loves attention:

Daisy is only about two years old and still very playful. She loves toys, so I bought her a big ball with a mouse inside which squeaks when rolled. The little balls with bells inside are everyone's favorites, but they lose them behind furniture in a matter of minutes (or seconds):

Bugsy, now fully grown, is fond of PeeWee's old doggie bed. PeeWee was a small, elderly dog who I adopted several years ago but has since died:

The top of the tallest cat tree at the top of the stairs, high up with the angels, used to be Georgette's domain. Now Daisy spends hours up there, perhaps listening to Gabriel's trumpet:

Possibly because of all the handling she got while sick (which lasted for months), Daisy is now so tame and affectionate that she has become a pest. I'm not complaining, though, for she's very sweet:

Rocky is too old to be very playful anymore, so he positions himself to be petted as I walk by:

Bugsy if fond of the lamp table - and yes, he has knocked off the lamp on more than one occasion:


  1. What a bonanza! Or ... "catanza!." Missed you yesterday, but I see your time was well-filled creating this anthology. I followed Daisy's many trials with unease, but considering your experience, care and determination, I need not have worried. Still, that's a long haul to the vet in Malone, but you endured. In winter, it must have seem like the Iditarod. Thanks for sharing this very special report on the feline members of your tribe. You are one mighty Chief!

    Best regards,

    Patsy Fritz in Pauma

    1. Thank you. It's good to now have healthy animals who all get along with each other (mostly).

  2. I so admire you're commitment, Bill, and the family that's come of it.

    1. Thank you. I am indeed blessed to be surrounded by happy animals.


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