
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Joy Road, County Route 83 And County Route 49 - Part 1

I had to drive to Massena to pick up more medication for Daisy at the veterinarian's office, and decided to take the scenic route home. I turned onto Joy Road, in the town of Massena, and began heading toward the town of Norfolk. This abandoned home in the trees was my inspiration to take photos along the way. It had been vacant so long that trees had grown up to block some of the doors. It was a cloudy day, but most of the "dark" photos were on the west side of the road and the setting sun caused the camera to adjust the brightness downward:

A large and modern farm. That "addition" on the right hand side appeared to be an old barn with many rotten boards and beams. I couldn't tell how it fit onto the current house, but they were attached:

A big farm with a corn silo:

A scenic old farm:

There were plenty of woodlands along the way, most of them young because they used to be farm fields. Joy Road became County Route 83, which became County Route 49, passing from Massena through Norfolk and ending in Stockholm:

Lots of corn fields:

This old barn had a snow plow attached to a tractor, a new roof and a full wood shed:

I drove right past this abandoned boat set back in the woods and had to back up to snap a picture of it. There are so many lakes and rivers around here, not to mention the St. Lawrence Seaway, that I see quite a few old boats, abandoned and rotting in woods and fields:

The Brookdale Cemetery:

Two modern looking barns with a very old, wood shingled silo:

This was probably an old barn which was rebuilt, restored and modernized:

This sad, old home had totally collapsed. Someone lived here once:

A farm house with barn, grain bin and tractor in the background. There was more to see along this road and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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