
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Return To Madawaska Pond - Part 2

The dogs and I had reached the dam area of Madawaska Pond. There was a cleared area there where, I suspected, someone's cottage once stood:

The dogs did some rock hopping and I feared one of them would fall into the water, but it didn't happen here (it did happen later, however):

The old earthen dam and spillway was thrilling for the dogs. Daphne walked out onto a fallen log with rushing water all around here. I was nervous, but she was fine:

And then we walked farther down where we could see the spillway and cross over to the other side of the earthen dam:

Quebec Creek, the water source for Madawaska Pond, continued on as a wild and pristine stream on the other side of the dam:

The road/trail continued on beyond the dam but I've never walked any farther to discover where it leads. I called the dogs to begin the hike back toward the trail head:

The water was visible through the trees on our right as we made our return trip:

And the dogs had spent some of their excess energy, making them much easier to control. I got to enjoy the silence and feel the peacefulness of the Adirondack forest:

Little Jack followed his big buddy, Seamus, much of the time:

There were small mountains surrounding the pond and many channels leading to more areas of water which I could not see from where I stood. Canoeing here would be a wonderful experience:

We stopped wherever we found easy access to the water's edge:

A day like this helps me to feel alive and happy:

And the White Pine forest was beautiful and peaceful:

We were back at our car in no time at all. The dogs hopped in and I began the 6.5 mile gravel lane through the forest back to the highway:

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