
Monday, November 14, 2016

Blue And Remy In November

Blue was looking mighty handsome when I snapped his photo out in the south field and his blue eyes showed nicely. Alas, right after this photo was take, he lost his halter and I never found it. I began looking for a replacement halter:

But being without a halter didn't slow him down. In fact, Remy often used to grab him by the halter when playing, so Blue may have had a sudden advantage without it. And play they certainly did:

Remy chased Blue, then Blue chased Remy:

With no halter to grab, Remy tried biting. You can see Blue's anger by the set of his ears:

They certainly do roughhouse, and it's clear to me where the term "horseplay" came from:

I began cleaning up the occasional manure in the barn with a wheelbarrow. Remy and Blue "helped" by trying to tip it over and bite the wooden handles. It's kind of like have two 350 pound puppies:

The grass ran out and I had to begin feeding hay for the winter. I feared the cows would not let the horses get any, but they mostly seem to get along. And at those times when the horses can't get hay, they can come inside the barn, where it's always available:

One night we had snow which turned to freezing rain. It was miserable. I put the two soggy horses in their stall and then let the cattle into the main part of the barn. I don't think it would be safe to crowd the big cows and little horses into a confined area. This is safer:

Blue looked terrific in his brand new red halter, even though he was wet:

Blue looks a little like one of Santa's reindeer with his blue eyes and red halter. Now I need a pair of antlers and I can take Christmas pictures:

These autumn afternoons can get quite cold, but winter is coming and then these days will seem warm by comparison:

Blue and Rosella had a drink of water and were returning to the hay bale feeder when I snapped this picture. I had to put the water heater into the stock tank in October as the water was freezing during the night. Yes indeed, winter is almost here:

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