
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Red Poll News

The Red Poll girls have been living a fine life, with lots of food, clean water and plenty of sleep. Their only problem is the pesky flies, but the cows run from me when I try to spray them with fly spray:

Tabitha is growing rapidly and I have to get her ears tattooed and tagged soon. Even now it will require three people. The neighbors will help but first I have to trap her inside the barn and then call the neighbors to see if they are available.

Blue and Remy consider themselves to be a regular part of the herd. The cows generally ignore them but the little horses feel quite attached to the big, red bovines:

And most of the time life in the south field is peaceful and happy:

There is a third field, attached to the south field and hidden from sight by a neighbors' house. It was hayed in July and the animals have taken to spending their nights there:

On hot days they come close to the barn to avail themselves of the shade of several Box Elder trees:

Tabitha is still wary of me. She seems to know that I am up to no good:

Jasmine, whose artificial insemination last summer did not result in a pregnancy, has been inseminated again. I am watching more closely this time so I will notice if she is not pregnant. The only way I can tell is if she comes into heat again, but that is not always easily apparent. I'm now giving them grain twice daily so that I can get a close-up look at each cow twice daily:

As for Tabitha, she's so photogenic that I can't resist taking pictures of her:

And Rosella has become my finest cow - a great mother with a well attached udder:

It hasn't been a productive year for calves, but the herd is looking mighty fine and often catch the eyes of passersby:

Little Tabitha looks cute with the big girls and folks passing by on the county road sometimes stop to watch this handsome red herd:

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