
Monday, July 4, 2016

The Amish Forest - Part 2

The dogs and I were hiking a nearby forest which I started calling the Amish Forest because the property is directly across the road from an Amish family's farm:

We'd met the owner and explored a side trail already (see Part 1, posted yesterday), and now were headed back toward the gravel road where we'd begun. At least I'd been told that's where this lane would take us:

And it was all exquisite:

The dogs were happy and so was I:

We came to a deer stand in the woods and the dogs ran over to see it:

The wild blackberries bloomed along the lane wherever enough sunlight came through the tree canopy:

Fergus and Seamus gave me their biggest smiles:

And then I saw a couple of Pink Ladyslippers. I'd thought it was too late for them, but deep in this forest, I suppose things bloom later than other places:

It was clear to me that no one uses this lane for vehicles anymore. I could tell by the fallen trees across it:

Soon I could see the Amish farm fields through the trees and knew we were close to the road. There isn't much traffic on the gravel road, but I called the dogs to me and told them to heel, just to be safe:

We emerged from the woods at the Amish family's chicken coop and free range chickens. I don't know how he keeps them safe from predators:

And our car was just up the road a bit, across from the Amish farm. It had been a short, but pleasant walk and so very close to home that I'm sure I'll be back again soon:

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