
Monday, July 11, 2016

Around The Farm

I was down to only nine bantam Barred Rock hens and decided to order some new bantams to build the flock back up next year. I ordered bantam Easter Eggers, the ones who lay the colored eggs, to mix in with my existing hens. Easter Eggers come in all different colors (and so do their eggs). I found this photo on the internet of a mixed flock. Mine should look a lot like these by next year:

 The Mock Orange has finished blossoming for the year but the memories of its glory are still fresh in my mind:

One of the two wild seeded apple trees by the road was developing fruit but I no longer find the baby apples on them. It's much the same in the orchard. But then I thought the same thing last year and in the end, I had a bountiful harvest. I can only wait and see:

 The Elderberries in the old silo base began to bloom. The birds have begun eating the flowers, apparently unwilling to wait for the berries:

 The Peonies bloomed and then faded. They are now finished blooming for the year:

 But they were spectacular while they lasted:

 I really liked this view of Peonies, roses and Mock Orange, all blooming together. The roses will bloom again but the Mock Orange and Peonies won't bloom again until next year:

 We had an abundance Swallowtail butterflies this year:

 And the fantail pigeons began going outdoors more. They are smart enough to stay off of the metal roof when it's very hot:

 I repaired my mailbox although I had to prop it up with the pick handle until the concrete set:

 This, I say through my tears, is $2640.00 worth of hay. I expect to have plenty for the upcoming winter:

 The little garden I planted in the side yard has been coming along nicely. I water it every day:

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