
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Chickens And Pigeons

My little Barred Rock bantams have been getting outdoors every day for many weeks now, come sun, rain, wind or snow. They are hardy birds and enjoy finding their own food, at least as long as I have a big feeder full of layer pellets always waiting for them inside the barn:

Seamus has shown an unhealthy interest in the chickens but all is peaceful as long as dogs and hens remain on separate sides of the fence:

I can't imagine what they were finding on the gravel driveway - unless they were just looking for grit:

And they dearly love to go inside the barn. I used to try to keep them out but now leave the south door open for the little horses:

But I've come to appreciate the hens getting into the barn because they make a nest in the bedding hay and I know where to find the eggs, which are always clean. Will they continue to lay eggs here after all the greenery is growing? I sure hope so:

The chickens are released early each morning and clearly are happy to be let out. I herd them back indoors each evening about 5:00, using a leaf rake. Left to their own devices, they'd stay out until it was nearly dark:

The pigeons too are allowed outdoors rather early each morning. Sometimes they are anxious to get out as they were this day, though usually not:

The pigeons have a roost just outside their open window. As fantails, they are not built for skillful flying and I try to make things as easy as possible for them:

They've been laying eggs for several months now but they all freeze during our cold nights. But we'll warm up soon (I hope):

Sometimes the fantails land on the gravel road beside the barn. Of course I worry about them with traffic, but there isn't much of that and nobody drives too fast:

They are utilizing some of the shelves I provided for them but are still ignoring many others:

I have some pairs nesting on the ground. That's not a good idea, but how does one explain that to pigeons?:

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