
Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Red Poll Girls

Little Pearl is growing rapidly, but it never seems so because, as the youngest, she's always the smallest of the calves:

 Merlin, Loretta and Pearl were together one day and I got a photo of them:

 Loretta was always a thin, deer-like calf, but she's beginning to fill out and look like the beef cow she's going to be:

 Gladys, on the other hand, has always been a bit stocky:

I've continued to give the Red Poll girls a bucket of apples each afternoon and will continue to do so until the apples run out:

 Rosella is now fifteen months old and very tame. I plan to have her bred so she'll calve next year:

It's a beautiful herd, and passersby sometimes stop just to tell me so:

I waited only a week after the hay was cut and baled before I began letting the girls across the road to eat the fresh grass which was springing up in the north field:

I began letting them across the road every morning, and then bringing them back across to spend the night in the south field, by the barn:

The autumn colors were muted this year, probably because it's been so dry, yet they still made a nice backdrop for photos:

Gracie looked up, hoping I'd come to offer her some kind of treat. Sorry, Gracie, I was just there to snap a picture:

The homestead:

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