
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Whiteface Mountain - Part 2

My sister and I were climbing toward the summit of Whiteface Mountain via the "fifth of a mile nature walk" they'd told us about when we paid our toll. It was scenic, all right, but rugged and steep. That lake below us is actually considered three lakes, all in the village of Lake Placid. Also, you can see hikers rather far below, on their way up to where the other people are standing:

At this point, the "nature walk" was merely a narrow rocky ridge with railings. I saw several people slip and fall, so I held on to the railings as tightly as I could:

I looked back, towards our starting point:

And out again over Lake Placid:

It was at this point that I decided my age and lameness necessitated that I abandon the effort. So my sister continued on upward alone, though she brought my camera with her:

My sister made it to the summit and headed for the buildings there:

Inside were more informative signs such as this one. The average January windchill factor at the summit was minus 62. The coldest summit temperature was minus 43:

And the summit, of course, offered its own spectacular views:

She looked out over the surrounding landscape and down at the Memorial Highway below. Hey, tht little red car parked there might well have been ours!:

Magnificent views in every direction:

Rugged scenery:

And again, far below lay the village of Lake Placid. My sister rejoined me and we traveled back down the highway, taking small county roads through the Adirondacks towards home:

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