
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

White Hill Wild Forest - Part 1

My sister paid me a visit and I wanted to show off our beautiful Adirondacks. So on her first day here, we took the dogs to the White Hill Wild Forest. Our first stop, of course, was at Clear Pond to let the dogs play in the cool water:

It was a scorching hot day and all of the dogs, even those who don't normally like water, went right into Clear Pond:

My sister and I began moving along the shoreline but the dogs lingered. They were having too much fun:

And my sister got a look at one of my favorite places:

Fergus, Clover and Jack waded near the shore:

And then the dogs followed our lead and began progressing up the shoreline, stopping frequently to wade in the water and sniff the interesting smells:

Wildflowers bloomed in the grass near the shoreline. It was an idyllic setting for Jack and Clover:

It was so hot that my sister also waded in. I couldn't do so because of my braces:

We moved back onto the trail through the forest:

But I knew there were more water access points on the trail, coming up in short order:

And indeed there were. The dogs reacted with joy, as if they'd never seen such a wonderful place before:

It was more rocky at this spot, but it slowed them down only slightly:

And then we got back on the trail through the forest, passing this big, red mushroom along the way. We were just beginning our hike and there was much more to see. I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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