
Friday, August 7, 2015

The Wild Walk in Tupper Lake, New York

I took a drive down to The Wild Center in Tupper Lake, an Adirondack natural history museum, but it was so very crowded that I could barely move inside, much less see the exhibits. Besides, I'd just toured it in December, 2013 (here, here, and here). So I left the museum building and walked out to see their newly opened exhibit, The Wild Walk:

The Wild Walk is a sky-walk which takes visitors up and over a portion of Adirondack forest, giving them a treetop view which only the wildlife usually gets to see:

The walk took me across a wide, plank walkway, supported by giant, steel pylons and gradually lifted higher and higher as I walked. The crowds which had so bothered me inside the museum became part of the fun here, as everyone was exploring and having a good time. Besides, we were outdoors:

There were intersections, turns, returns, ramps, platforms and much more to see as I walked higher:

Chairs hung from the center of some of the pylons:

And at the highest point of all was a gigantic "bird's nest," which people climbed into to see the world from an eagle's point of view:

I continued walking as the treetops dropped below the ramps:

And  could see ahead that there was much more to The Wild Walk for me yet to visit:

Another highlight was the spider's web, a sort of suspended trampoline for the kids to enjoy. The adults watched from the boardwalk, but I'll bet some adults have given it a try:

And beside the web was a giant spider. You can also see the bird's nest in the background:

And then I encountered several walkways, suspended on cables so they bounced as we walked. They led to what must be the biggest hollow tree on earth. The tree looked so real that everyone tapped it when they arrived to find out if it was wooden. It was concrete. Once inside, a spiral staircase descended to the next level, with interactive bird call exhibits along the way:

It was a wonderful experience for an old codger like me, and undoubtedly an even more exciting experience for the children. If you are in the Adirondacks, I'd highly recommend it:

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