
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Summer Storm Is Coming!

It was the morning after Pearl was born. I had to drive into the village of Potsdam and stopped at a friend's dairy barn to chat on my way back. After that, I headed for home on a narrow lane with corn on both sides of the road. It was very scenic:

Heavy storms had been predicted, but we hadn't seen any sign of them yet. But the sky darkened as I passed between the corn fields:

The eerie light kept changing, sometimes causing the corn to look yellow, sometimes causing the Chicory to seem to glow. It really did look like a major storm was coming our way:

I kept stopping along the road to photograph the changing colors of the corn and Chicory, the sky changing moment by moment:

The Milkweed was in full bloom, mixed in with the Chicory, alongside the road. The winds began to gust and I put away my camera and hurried home:

It wasn't raining yet when I arrived home, so I walked out to see how Scarlett and Pearl were doing. They were fine, although Scarlett still retained her afterbirth, but they hurried away to join the other cattle before the storm hit:

And indeed it looked ominous when I turned back toward the house and barn:

When I reached the barn, the chickens were running for cover:

And the sky darkened over the winter's hay supply:

We did have a sudden, heavy rain and I hadn't gotten all the house windows closed in time, so I had messes to clean up. This picture was taken from the upstairs bathroom window during the downpour. But otherwise it was just a summer rainstorm. No tornadoes, no house flying away to the land of Oz:

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