
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Stark Falls Reservoir

The dogs and I had just hiked down to the Raquette River on the canoe carry and returned to our car, which was parked near the boat launch ramp on the shore of the Stark Falls Reservoir:

But how could I leave without exploring? I called the dogs over and we began walking the shoreline near the dam:

Seamus, as always, was the first and most enthusiastic to go into the water:

But Fergus soon joined him. It was too hot to stay onshore:

Clover, not generally a water dog, went into the water again, but mostly just sniffed the grass by the water's edge:

It was all great fun as we walked along the shoreline:

Fergus climbed up on a giant rock:

And the views were magnificent:

Daphne was all smiles:

But there was no trail and the temperatures were going up rapidly, so we headed back to the car:

The dogs and I had ourselves a happy, healthy, cooling and fun morning, but it was time to head for home:

I took one last photo of the dogs in the car before we began the journey home:

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