
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Red Poll Photo Album

As I write this, I have five Red Poll cows, one yearling heifer and four calves born this season. One more calf is due:

They've had a good summer, and are fat and shiny in spite of having babies and producing milk:

I give them a small amount of grain twice a day, after which they usually all go over to the stock tank for a drink of water:

And they have a salt block plus a mineral feeder:

But mostly they eat grass, after which they lie down and chew their cuds:

Their red coats glisten in the sun on a lovely summer day:

And the calves tend to hang out together:

I have now fenced them out of the north field and the far south field, both of which I hope will produce some hay this month:

It's a good, comfortable life they lead:

Except for the flies. The flies must be maddening. I do spray them with fly spray, but the cows run away from me when I start. This, by the way, is Rosella. She's almost grown now. In fact, yesterday was her first birthday:

They present a peaceful scene as they graze:

And they are good mothers, concerned for their calves but not hostile to people in any way:

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