
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Farm Update For July 23

The season's first two baby fantail pigeons had grown up and their parents produced one new baby:

A couple of days later, its eyes were open and it was growing rapidly. Alas, I found it dead a couple days after that. Such are the sorrows of keeping and breeding animals:

The Elderberries which grow in the old silo base were severely damaged by the snow last winter, but they rebounded in fine form, bursting into bloom:

The pear tree began showing off its miniature pears, many of them even turning prematurely red:

The apple trees also sported pint-sized fruit with a bit of rosy color. I expect to have enough fruit to keep the cattle happy this year:

The fantail pigeons enjoyed the freedom to come and go as they pleased during days with nice weather. They, like the chickens, are locked up safely at night. That's the chickens' door on the right:

The yellow and orange Asiatic Lilies bloomed beautifully:

The neighbors, across the road, have six Hereford cross heifers, all of which began having babies this summer:

Bred to an Angus bull, their calves are mostly the color popularly called "Black Baldy:"

I lost a couple of hens, probably to predators, but otherwise they are all healthy and happy:

Our brutal winter and spring drought damaged the hay crop this year. In fact, it looked so bad and was so full of inedible weeds, that I used the bush hog to mow it all down. I was in the main field when I had to stop because my cows saw no reason to get out of my way. It was a good opportunity to snap a photo:

When I was done bush hogging, the chickens rushed over to pick through the grass clippings which were piled atop the mower. It's been a busy summer so far, enough so that a quiet winter with hardly anything to do all day is beginning to sound appealing:

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